Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 is the year for Recovery!

I’m announcing 2011 as MY year for recovery. Does that mean I think the housing market is going to make a full recovery this year? No, hardly. In fact, I recognize that the market isn’t going to help me at all. It’s not my friend. I don’t care. I’m not concerned about the market. I have a job to do, clients to help and a business to run.

I figure I have two choices here…I can come up with all the reasons why I won’t achieve my goals, or all the reasons that I WILL! There is no substitute for hard work and good skills, especially in this market. I know my skills are strong and getting stronger. I heard once that in this market you will need 50% Hard Work, 50% Sales Skills and 50% Mindset. Now, obviously that adds up to 150%, which is EXACTLY what is needed in today’s market.

In my real estate recovery year, I’ve identified a few “aggressive” questions I need to ask myself on a regular basis. I thought I’d share them with you as well.

  1. If prospects aren’t looking for me and I’m not looking for them, exactly how am I going to find them?
  2. Am I willing to be held accountable and not get mad?
  3. How much money am I losing by not doing ______________?
  4. How can I be held accountable if I’m not involved or active?
  5. If I keep defending myself and actions, how do I expect to grow?
  6. Why am I afraid to challenge myself?
  7. What is the change I am going to make to get closer to my goals?

With the right mindset, accountability and skills THERE’S NO STOPPING ME! The best part is, not only will my business grow but my clients will be the biggest winners!

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