It comes with the territory of Oceanfront property. At some point in time good ‘ole Mother Nature will take its toll on the shore line. We’ve recently experienced some pretty severe erosion in a section of Duck impacting the Carolina Dunes subdivision.
There is very little beach left in the area. However, according to Andy Garman, the Town’s Director of Community Development, no homes have been deemed uninhabitable at this time. The Town of Duck recently proposed a new ordinance addressing any potential threatened structures as a result of the erosion. A public hearing was held July 6th and based on various questions raised at the hearing the ordinance was sent back to get some revisions.
So what happened? Well, most likely the cause of the erosion is three-fold. A combination of very high tides, wind and waves from the northeast and the lack of an off-shore sandbar in front of the erosion area. About 20 years ago the community of Sanderling experienced the same issue. In that situation the community established a Special Assessment and actually had the affected dunes rebuilt by bringing in sand and other materials to get it re-established. In addition to that Mother Nature also helped in balancing things out for that area.
I’m pleased to report the Homeowner’s Association of Carolina Dunes has quickly jumped into action. They are promptly notifying all owners and arranging communication with the Town. There most certainly is a solution and really no need to panic. As we speak, the Town of Duck has acquired funding to do a beach erosion study. After the year long analysis a proposal will be made about what if any nourishment will take place. If approved, owners in Duck can expect some kind of assessment to help with the funding, just as Nags Head is currently experiencing.
One thing is certain, the homeowners and Town officials both recognize the vital importance of the beaches. They are definitely an important asset to the Town and it is critical they remain open and unobstructed. It’s simply part of the process of owning beachfront property. A solution will be found!
I’ll be following this story and providing updates. Follow my blog for the most up to date information on this and other issues affecting the Outer Banks of NC.
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